Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Reflection 7/30/14

Today had some interesting discussion around the book, some of which I do not know how I feel about, bu was still nice to hear. My own group put the big sentence "reality is relative" on the top of our paper, and to be honest I don't know what is meant by that. Does this mean that everyone perceives an objectively existent reality differently? Or does it mean that objective reality does not exist and nothing is really true for everyone? If the second is meant I must say that this is false. For example, we know as a scientific fact that the human body can replenish its blood, while the Hmong believe that there is limited blood in the body. They are welcome to believe this, and the fact that they do does not make them less intelligent or less worthy of dignity and respect, to the contrary their steadfastness in their beliefs I believe is an admirable quality. They are wrong however, in an objective way they are incorrect. That was a point of some confusion in class, and I do not think that it disturbs the main point of the book, but it is good to consider in class that for the most part western medicine is correct, as well as the fact that, "western medicine saves lives."

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Reflection on Health Class 7/29/14

This may have been the single best class period I have experienced this whole quarter. It was engaging and our activities were concrete and it really modelled how we can teach science in our class, through asking questions and promoting discovery. I also liked the bit about thanking the animals for their body parts being used for science, I have run into the problem of students becoming upset at body parts before, and I think this would be a good way to diffuse it. Great class, I hope we have more like it when we have our science methods class.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Reflection for Monday 7/28/14

I feel like our microteaching was not very good. It was overly complicated and reflected a lack of practice and coordination in planning, because there was a lack of practice and coordination in our planning. This criticism was good to learn from and most of it was good. Of special note was the lack of ethnic food on our chart, which we should have paid attention to more, although it would be impossible to put every food under the sun down, we should have been more holistic. I hope to be able to do better next time I present something to the class.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Health Class #2 reflection

[This is Late]

I thought the class on tuesday was great, it was an interesting exercise on how to make our lesson plans incorporate physical activity. I also thought the part on the form about academic language was interesting, it reminded me of an experience I had. In the spring I worked at a school with a large number of spanish speaking immigrants. I was in an 8th grade science class, and they were talking about properties of matter. The teacher mentioned that matter has mass and some ELL students were very confused, I talked to them about them later and they asked me, "how does the scale measure how much church is in an object?" That was a really interesting experience and goes to show the importance of thinking about academic language in the planning of lessons.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Health reflection class #1

Well, today was an interesting day in health class, I'm glad that I'm done with the book so that I can focus on everything else I have to do for the class. I think the log of food and activity is an interesting assignment, it will be hard for me to pay attention to it as I usually do not, but that will be good for me.I hope to learn lots these two weeks and look forward to hearing everyone elses thoughts on the book, which I thought was very interesting.