Saturday, October 18, 2014

Revisiting Ayers

I've almost completely forgot about Ayer's book this quarter to be honest. The reason being is that what I am learning now is far more practicable than anything Ayers ever wrote. I actually get to see a teacher working in a classroom with realistic constraints around him with advice that makes sense and is grounded in specific case by case approaches to working with students. I see teachers that make learning fun, which according to ayers learning should not be. I see teachers who teach useful knowledge in a way that not only lives up to the constraints of the standards and the given curriculum but sees them fully realized in a way that reminds us that the standards are a good thing at their core.  I remember some of Ayers talk about how race and diversity play education, and I am learning more about that with Dr.Banks now, and in a way that every time we meet seems to become more concrete. Ayers talks about seeing the student, and now I can see that being done in a wise way. So I have not much memory or care for Ayers now, I have more immediate and tangible role models for my teaching.

1 comment:

  1. That is what I am also taking away from being in a classroom. Being able to see a teacher working with real students, is great. Being able to see how they can make lesson interactive. For me there is only so much one can read about teaching, but it is another things to be in a classroom. Working with kids, interacting with students are two different things. I have to say I cant remember what Ayers said... bad/good things...?
