Sunday, February 1, 2015

Seating Chart

One interesting thing that I did this week was help make a seating chart for the month of February, it was a real concrete way to express my knowledge of the students and their relationships with one another, and where to seat them to fill their needs. For example, there is one boy, I will call him L, who I know is a really curious boy and likes to learn things and participate in class, but he is easily distracted so I put him front and center right by the teachers desk. I also know that he has two boys he spends a lot of time with, and they often distract each other, so I put each of them on the opposite sides of the room. Since I have not been teaching a whole lot, I have had more time to spy on the students and learn about them than my CT has, so I know a whole slough of details about their lives. I also usually sit in the back of the room so I can see what they do behind their desks where they think no one can see them. They are wrong. I see everything. Making a seating chart was a good opportunity to take what I know of the students, and what I know from class and apply it to the very shape of the room. I sure hope that it turns out well.

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